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About Qualpass

QUALPASS offers an efficient and relevant solution to recording skills and experience across all sectors, ensuring that the individual has optimum opportunity to succeed in our global economy, together with allowing employers to provide Clients and other interested parties, evidence of their corporate competence and management.

QUALPASS is a 'secure on line database' solution designed to directly assist individuals to:

RECORD and STORE academic and vocational qualifications in their 'original' format.

CREATE an on line portfolio including C.V. and employer references as well as create and upload a short video file to demonstrate your knowledge and skills.

TRACK date sensitive certification. QUALPASS will e-mail a designated address advising that certificate revalidation will be due 3-months prior to expiry.

PROVIDE a potential employer with VERIFIED achievements, competence and experience - securely held and viewable on the QUALPASS website without the need to photocopy and post copies of qualifications, etc.


As a tool for the employer QUALPASS can 'proactively' assist with the:

MANAGEMENT of your key documentation plus the training, qualifications and skills records of your employees all on one user friendly web-based system.

MONITORING of expiry dates for date sensitive documentation and individual qualifications, thereby ensuring NO employee loses vital skills and competency and no key documentation or accreditation expires.

PROVISION of information to Client's etc. who are seeking evidence of corporate and workforce competency electronically, which will cut down on postage and photocopying costs.

AUGMENTATION of health and safety, quality assurance and environmental management systems, thereby assisting compliance with enforcement authorities, insurance providers and internal/external auditors.

IMPROVEMENT in environmental performance, as well as reducing photocopying and postage costs, when proving both corporate and  employee competence to current and prospective Clients, etc.

COMPLIANCE with your own individual and Client's ISO systems, in relation to managing corporate competency and demonstrating continued development as an organisation and of employees.

Benefits of QualPass

Benefits of QualPass

Since inception approximately 9,000 QualPass TSAR cards have been issued, proving the competency of their holders in relation to health and safety, mechanical plant operation, use of work equipment, etc as well as a host of non-health and safety qualifications. Call 01646 602131 to find out how you can join this growing number.

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Health & Safety


Proving a workforce, or even an individual employee’s competence is a legal duty under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 and the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015.

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