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New Courses

Low risk occupations are frequently overlooked as far as Health & Safety training is concerned, after all what could possibly go wrong in an office? Well, quite a lot actually with slips, trips and falls plus manual handling incidents costing employers a small fortune each year.

Those organisations offering QualPass accredited training now have the opportunity to deliver a half day course to their clients / employees which has been specifically developed to address the training needs of low risk sectors.

Please feel free to contact us for more information on this course or becoming a QualPass training centre.

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Benefits of QualPass

Benefits of QualPass

Since inception approximately 9,000 QualPass TSAR cards have been issued, proving the competency of their holders in relation to health and safety, mechanical plant operation, use of work equipment, etc as well as a host of non-health and safety qualifications. Call 01646 602131 to find out how you can join this growing number.

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Health & Safety


Proving a workforce or even an individual employee’s competence, is a legal duty. Click the link below to find out how QualPass can help you prove competency and training to clients and enforcement agencies.

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